_   _          _  ____      
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    | __| '_ \ / _ \ | ___ \/ __|
    | |_| | | |  __/ | \_/ |\__ \
     \__|_| |_|\___| |_____/|___/
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             │ hire me │



Overlayr was a service built for streamers using twitch.tv. It allows them to easily create and edit their own interactive stream overlay using a simple drag-and-drop interface. overlayr’s frontend is built using AngularJS and TypeScript, the backend is completely built upon TypeScript and Socket.io.

It has since been discontinued.


Noise Mixer is a small android app, that generates artificial white noise. White Noise is useful for those situations, where you simply want to ignore the sounds of your surroundings be it for sleep, concentration or relaxation.

Noise Mixer allows you to create your own personal noise that suits your current situation.


PHPArch is a small PHP Library that helps software architects check the integrity of their architecture as part of a Testsuite.

With PHPArch you setup Architectural rules (e.g. ‘x may not depend on y’) which are then validated against existing code.