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    | | | |        (_)/ ___|     
    | |_| |__   ___ _/ /___  ___ 
    | __| '_ \ / _ \ | ___ \/ __|
    | |_| | | |  __/ | \_/ |\__ \
     \__|_| |_|\___| |_____/|___/
                  _/ |           

             │ hire me │

Things I learned: 2018#33

It has been a couple of weeks since I last did one of these - so the list is a little bit longer this time. This list contains a bunch of things that I have learned since the last article.

  • Google chrome registers a cronjob in /etc/cron.daily/google-chrome when installing.
  • In order to get the contents of a slot as a string in vue you have to render the slot in the actual DOM and then grab the innerHTML of that rendered section.
  • Webpacks new ‘better’ code splitting option via splitChunks is pretty much useless when not using it in combination with HtmlWebpackPlugin which in many instances cannot be used (if the app is not a pure SPA)
  • On a mac MAMP Pro ships with it’s own libtool binary that is not up-to-date. If you foolishly prepend the MAMP bin/ directories to your $PATH you will run into many errors regarding libtool - most notably the -static argument not being recognized. Simply changing the order of the $PATH parts (first system paths such as /usr/bin, then prepend /Applications/MAMP/bin after that) then the systems libtool binary will be used.
  • kimai is an open source time teacker
  • a oneplus 3t uses more battery in power saver mode than in normal mode
  • The new JIRA Board view can be disabled in the user profile settings
  • When opening big files in vim (or nvim) you can use nvim -u "NONE" ./your-file in order to disable syntax highlighting. This will stop vim from trying to read the whole file on first open.
  • Vim will try to read your file line-by-line. If your have a large file that is all a single line then you are fresh out of luck. In these cases you have to pre-process the file in order to insert regular linebreaks. This can happen with tools specialized for the type of file you are dealing with (e.g. xmllint or through a clever use of sed: cat ./my-file.txt | sed -e 's/(.{100})/\1\n/g' > my-file-with-linebreaks-every-100-chars.txt
  • When restoring the grub configuration of a system from an chroot environment the live system must boot from efi if the configuration to repair is efi. Otherwise grub will start throwing obscure errors at you.
  • In laravel routes can also be grouped in separate files https://twitter.com/adamprickett/status/1015514218572009473
  • checkinstall can be used in order to build a package file ( .deb or .rpm ) out of a compiled source code. This is useful if you don’t want to recompile on every machine (and don’t want the build dependencies on every machine)
  • When TYPO3 references files that currently do not exist they can simply be placed in the correct place again for them to work again. However, their metadata is only refreshed after a full cache clear (in the install tool) is performed. Thus until the cache is cleared images that were missing in the past will not be scaled.
  • You can pipe data into SSH and run a command without interaction on the other side to receive the data. This way you can effectively pipe data over the network.
  • This is especially helpfull for full-disk backups without external media: sudo dd if=/dev/sda bs=8M | pv | pigz | ssh jo-nas dd of=backup.img.gz